A specialized shredder with a capacity of some 80 thousand metric tons has been opened on May 22nd.
The state-of-the-art shredder is processing material that has either been pre-processed by the efficient smasher that has been developed and operated by this Austrian plant since 2005 or delivered de-polluted by outside sources. This new shredder has been designed to efficiently recover ferrous metals to the best possible specifications, both in terms of size distribution and in terms of the low levels of contaminants. This efficiency permits the highest possible recovery rates of copper and precious metals in the subsequent non-ferrous separations in the MGG company Metran and it largely improves the plastic qualities for further plastic recycling in the co-owned plastics facility plant of MBA Polymers Austria.
The CEO and owner Christian Müller-Guttenbrunn emphasized in his welcome, that investments of Millions of Euro’s in more efficient shredding and recovery techniques in combination with environmental improvements should attract more material in the perspective of the WEEE re-cast that is currently being transposed in Austria.
The president of the parliament of Lower Austria, Mr. Johann Heuras underlined the importance of creative new technologies to fulfil the EU raw materials initiative.
Mrs. Ines Zanella of the Austrian based NGO Südwind – in her address – requested for better recycling and presented the depressing case of E-Waste recycling in Ghana.
Dr. Roland Ferth of the Austrian Ministry of Environment briefed the pre-dominantly specialized audience about progress that has been made in the transposition of the latest re-cast of the WEEE Directive that has passed the European parliament in the summer of last year.
Finally the R&D manager Mr. Günther Höggerl underlined the importance of the efficiency of E-Waste recycling for the years to come, not only to fulfil the EU targets, but also to successfully be ahead in re-creating new materials.
The plant, called EVA (Elektronik Verwertungs Anlage – Electronics Recycling Plant), was opened by the daughter of the company owner, Eva Müller-Guttenbrunn.
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